Download our study. See how industry officials see Value Added Services

What is the perception of value-added services among banks and insurance companies? And what kind of value-added services seem to be mostly preferred by customers? Are VAS already being offered by the majority of banks and insurance companies, or are they simply a “nice to have”? To all these questions and to many more, we answered by collecting insights with an in-depth study conducted with IT Finanzmagazin and Pfefferminzia as media partners. 

The results of the study show that financial service providers must act quickly in order not to lose touch with competitors:

1. value-added services are important and will continue to gain in importance

2. banks and insurance companies lack a strategy for value-added services

3. digital, easily accessible and customised - that's what banks and insurance companies think their offers should look like. In doing so, they also meet the wishes of their customers

Find out more in the full report!

Interesting findings:

Etvas - the digital platform for value-added services - is here to assist you with any questions you might have. Be it with regards to thinking and implementing interesting cashback offers to your clients or simply adding additional offerings to your existing portfolio, we are here to help.

The B2B2C platform developed by Etvas functions like a configurator for high-quality additional services. The value-added services go through a selection process and are thematically located in different areas, such as insurance, warranty extensions or digital security solutions. These value-added services can be played out in the bank's online portal via a single interface.

HOW to bring VAS to reality within your organisation?

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